Friday, September 18, 2009

Cissi's Market: My New Neighborhood Destination

Yesterday, I roamed over to the heart of the SoCo District and stopped by the Austin Under 40 (AU40) Kick-off Happy Hour at Cissi's Market. Despite that fact that the social hour wasn't anything memorable (or at least wasn't my cup of tea), it was well worth the time at Cissi's.

Cissi's Market, advertised as "a neighborhood destination," is in fact an all-in-one wine bar, deli, cafe and grocery. [Sidenote: I'm moving into the neighborhood in a week, and I'm ecstatic over it!] Considering it's slightly pricey for a college student like myself, I make sure to make my pennies count. So I aim straight to the deli, where Cissi's sandwiches are no ordinary sandwiches.

At Cissi's (pronounced Sissy's), my usual is THE BAT sandwich, a rendition of the BLT. The BAT--cured bacon, arugula, and tomato—is grilled pressed to the perfect crunch. All for $8.50. Delish. You can have it to-go or for dinner, and during the summer it's always nice to pair this light meal with a glass of wine. And with their five-page wine bar menu (a menu longer than their lunch and dinner menus), you are sure to find a glass (or bottle) that suits your taste buds!

So even thought the AU40 event wasn't my cup of tea, Cissi's glass of wine made up for it quickly.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The New Bumper Sticker Slogan: You Lie!

If you're reading this, then by now you've probably (1) seen or (2) heard about Joe Wilson's, Republican from South Carolina, "You lie!" outburst in the middle of President Obama's speech on Tuesday night.

If I'm just now catching you up, I suggest reading Maureen Dowd's column, Boy, Oh, Boy, where Dowd wondered whether the congressman really meant to shout, "You lie, boy!" from the right-winged bench. (From this you can probably gather where some of my political views ally themselves. Hint: I lean to the left. However, please take the time to read a few impartial articles, like Kate Phillips' article.)

And while I could discuss the blatant disrespect and downright stupidity on Mr. Wilson's part, I choose to let him do all the talking:

So, what do you make of calling a president, who wasn't lying, in fact a liar? What do you make of his reasoning behind his actions? And lastly, how do you feel about the new Wilson-inspired slogan, "You lie!" on bumper stickers and T-shirts? A little too catchy?

And the Emmy goes to....

... Dr. Horrible's Musical Sing-Along Blog!!!

If you recall, I briefly mentioned this web video during my first week of blogging.

To make a ridiculously long description short, the Dr. Horrible premise is about Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris), the worst, not to mention, most likable supervillian ever. Supervillian loves girl, Penny (Felicia Day). [Spoiler Alert:] Supervillian accidentally kills girl, while attempting to destroy his nemesis, "superhero" Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion).

Like it? Watch it! You will enjoy the short, 45-minutes. At least Emmy did...