Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Calling All Calling Cards

If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm a pretty big advocate for the slow movement. (Although, I'll admit, I have yet to make the complete transition to bike and foot.) That said, do you remember the calling card? No, not the long-distance calling card, but the private calling card.

Still doesn't ring a bell? Try thinking back to the earliest mystery novel you read or crime scene you watched, on TV of course. A sleuth or gumshoe (I secretly wrote this entry so I could use these words) would leave behind a card. Along the same lines, the movie Hitch, where Will Smith's character was selective about who had his information, also offered a calling card cameo. Still, try not to think of these as business cards, rather think of them as a calling card for your personal life.

The calling card allows you to be as versatile and creative as you want. Below are some examples of crafty calling cards. (I thought about scanning my calling card, but realized that it might defeat its purpose.) Enjoy!

Lucky Duck Press creates calling cards and letters for special occasions or just because. For more information on this New York pressing establishment, visit

Want to keep it simple? Visit Kimberly Austin's Austin Press website to get this one-character card.

The kind creator at Happy Girl Greetings will patiently work with you to get your text, image, font and design just right. She doesn't stop at calling cards either. Like several of these providers, she ventures to help you create letterheads and more. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Vince Letter Press will personalize your card with your favorite pose. You send the picture. They print the card.

Making great gifts, the cards vary from as little as $15 for a set of 50 to as much as $200 for a set of 250. Didn't see something you like? Visit for an infinite number of suppliers.

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